I am a Researcher in Computer Science, Scientific Leader of the Inria Research Lab Aviz, also part of Université Paris-Saclay. My research is about exploring and understanding data through interactive visualizations enhanced with interactive analysis methods. For more details, you can read a Short Bio (also in French), take a look at my publications, my Google Scholar profile, or read my complete CV.
Research Topics
More details on AVIZ's project page. Click on the images to see the details.

Our book on Progressive Data Analysis is available:
Jean-Daniel Fekete, Danyel Fisher, and Michael Sedlmair, Progressive Data Analysis: Roadmap and Research Agenda,
Eurographics Association, ISBN: 978-3-03868-270-7, DOI: 10.2312/pda.20242707, Nov. 2024
Current Funded Projects
- ParcoursVis: Visualization of Medical Care Pathways for the Health-Data-Hub (French Social Security)
- URGE: Visualization of Medical Care Pathways to optimize the emergency services of the Parisian Hospitals (AP-HP)
- IEEE VIS 2024 Test of Time Award for our VIS 2004 article A Comparison of the Readability of Graphs Using Node-Link and Matrix-Based Representations
- IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Award (2020)
- IEEE VGTC Visualization Academy (2020)
- ACM SIGCHI Academy (2020)
- Best Paper Honorable Mention, AVI 2020 Interactive Time-Series of Measures for Exploring Dynamic Networks
- AMiner Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention (2010~2020) HCI
- AMiner Most Influential Scholar Award (2007~2017) Visualization
- Best Paper, ACM UIST 2016, Zooids: Building Blocks for Swarm User Interfaces
- Computing Reviews' Notable Books and Articles 2013 for Visual Analytics Infrastructures: From Data Management to Exploration.
- Best Paper Honorable Mention, IEEE InfoVis 2013, SoccerStories: A Kick-off for Visual Soccer Analysis
- Best Paper, IFIP Interact 2013, PolemicTweet: Video Annotation and Analysis through Tagged Tweets
- Best Paper, CHI 2013, Weighted Graph Comparison Techniques for Brain Connectivity Analysis
- Best Paper Honorable Mention, IEEE InfoVis 2012, Assessing the Effect of Visualizations on Bayesian Reasoning Through Crowdsourcing.
- Best Paper Honorable Mention, Fraunhofer IGD 2011, Visual Analysis of Large Graphs: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Challenges
- Google Research Award, 2011, Information Visualization for the People
- Best Paper, IEEE InfoVis 2008,Rolling the Dice: Multidimensional Visual Exploration using Scatterplot Matrix Navigation.
- Brian Shakel Award (Best Paper), Interact 2007, MatLink: Enhanced Matrix Visualization for Analyzing Social Networks.
Current Professional Activities
- Co-Chair of the IEEE VIS Area Curation Committee, 2023-2025
- Member of the Eurographics Publication Board
- Chair of the Eurovis Best Ph.D. Award Committee
Inria Saclay - Île-de-France
Bat 660, Université Paris-Saclay
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Phone: +33 1 74854297
How to get to the Computer Science Lab. at Univ. Paris-Saclay
Look at my time line designed by the AVIZ Team for my 50's birthday!
My Chinese Name: 傅可青, thanks to Kwan-Liu Ma and Xiaoru Yuan.