Andre Spritzer joins Aviz as a PhD student. |
Raphaël Velt, Romain Vuillemot, Samuel Huron and Yves-Marie Haussonne launch their Bubble-t visualization, selected among the 6 finalists of the Google Dataviz 2012 Contest.
Fekete receives
Google Research Award for a project
called Data Visualization for the People
to be done with Jeremy Boy
and Aviz.
Jeremy Boy joins Aviz as a PhD Student. |
Aviz presents 3 papers
at VisWeek
2011: A Study on Dual-Scale Data
Charts, Obvious:
A Meta-Toolkit to Encapsulate Information Visualization
Toolkits - One Toolkit to Bind Them All, and Color Lens: Adaptive Color Scale Optimization for Visual Exploration |
Aviz presents a "Quiz on Perception" at Fête de la Science 2011. |
Charles Perin joins Aviz as a PhD student. |
Romain Vuillemot joins Aviz as a Post-Doc. |
Demo day at Aviz. |
Franck Vidal joins Aviz as a Post-Doc. |
Samuel Huron joins Aviz as a PhD student. |
Benjamin Bach joins Aviz as a PhD student. |
Yvonne Jansen joins Aviz as a PhD student. |
Jean-Daniel Fekete is interviewed
Bertin by
Enrico Bertini
during the Dagstuhl
Seminar on Scalable Visual Analytics. |
The GeneaQuilt program for
visualizing large genealogies is available
for download. |
Petra Isenberg and her co-authors receive an honorable mention at IEEE VAST 2010 for their paper on An Exploratory Study of Visual Analytics Around a Tabletop Display. |
Petra Isenberg is hired at INRIA / Aviz as a Research Scientist. |
Fanny Chevalier presents Diffamation at the plenary session of the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Brussels, Belgium. |
Petra Isenberg receives the Best Paper Award at the CHI 2010 Workshop BELIV'2010 for her paper Evaluating Information Visualization in Large Companies: Challenges, Experiences and Recommendations in Atlanta, GA, USA. |
Petra Isenberg joins Aviz as a Post-Doc. |
Xiujun Li joins Aviz as a Research Engineer. |
Pierre-Luc Hémery joins Aviz as a Research Engineer. |
Caroline Appert, Stéphane Huot, Pierre Dragicevic and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon receive the best paper award at the IHM '09 conference for their paper on the FlowStates toolkit. |
Jean-Daniel Fekete demonstrates the ScatterDice system to the CEO of Microsoft Steve Ballmer and the French Minister of Research Valérie Pécresse   [video]. |
Nadia Boukhelifa joins Aviz as a Post-Doc. |
Evelyne Lutton joins Aviz as a Research Scientist. |
Jiacheng Li joins Aviz as an intern. |
Hélène Milome joins Aviz as an assistant. |
Jean-Daniel Fekete
interviewed in the February issue
Computer: Users
Take a Close Look at Visual Analytics (free link here.)
Fadia Azaiez joins Aviz as a PhD student. |
Fanny Chevalier interviewed by France Info [listen] on new graph navigation techniques (in French). |
Nathalie Henry interviewed in the magazine Les sciences du numérique (in French). |
Fanny Chevalier,
Pierre Dragicevic and
Jean-Daniel Fekete
participated to the Science Fair
at LRI, featuring
the edition of the Social Network
of Harry Potter.
Niklas Elmqvist, Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete received the Best Paper award at the InfoVis 2008 Conference for their paper Rolling the Dice: Multidimensional Visual Exploration using Scatterplot Matrix Navigation. |
Julie Stromer joins Aviz as a Research Engineer. |
Wael Khemiri joins Aviz as a PhD student. |
Tomer Moscovich joins Aviz as a Post-Doc. |
Nathalie Henry successfully defended her PhD thesis « Exploring Large Social Networks with Matrix-Based Representations ». |
Nathalie Henry accepted a Researcher position at the VIBE team of Microsoft Research in Redmond, USA. |
Niklas Elmqvist accepted an Assistant Professor position at the School of ECE at Purdue University in West Lafayette, USA. |
Pierre Dragicevic interviewed by the Radio Suisse Romande about DimP [listen in French]. |
Anastasia Bezerianos and Petra Isenberg are visiting Aviz for one month. |
Fanny Chevalier joins Aviz as a Post-Doc. |
Aviz members to present 3 full papers at CHI 2008. |
Stéphane Descorps-Declère joins Aviz as a Post-Doc. |
Launching of WikipediaViz, a complete archive version of the French Wikipedia with visualizations for estimating article maturity (in French). |
Jean-Daniel Fekete interviewed by France Culture [listen] and Libération on Wikipedia reliability issues and the WikipediaViz project (articles in French). |
Nathalie Henry and Jean-Daniel Fekete received the Brian Shackel Award at the INTERACT 2007 Conference for their paper MatLink: Enhanced Matrix Visualization for Analyzing Social Networks. |
Pierre Dragicevic joins Aviz as a Research Scientist. |
Jean-Daniel Fekete creates Aviz. |