Old News from Aviz

Andre Spritzer joins Aviz as a PhD student.
Raphaël Velt, Romain Vuillemot, Samuel Huron and Yves-Marie Haussonne launch their Bubble-t visualization, selected among the 6 finalists of the Google Dataviz 2012 Contest.
Jean-Daniel Fekete receives a Google Research Award for a project called Data Visualization for the People to be done with Jeremy Boy and Aviz.
Jeremy Boy joins Aviz as a PhD Student.
Aviz presents 3 papers at VisWeek 2011: A Study on Dual-Scale Data Charts, Obvious: A Meta-Toolkit to Encapsulate Information Visualization Toolkits - One Toolkit to Bind Them All, and Color Lens: Adaptive Color Scale Optimization for Visual Exploration
Aviz presents a "Quiz on Perception" at Fête de la Science 2011.
Charles Perin joins Aviz as a PhD student.
Romain Vuillemot joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.
Demo day at Aviz.
Franck Vidal joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.
Samuel Huron joins Aviz as a PhD student.
Benjamin Bach joins Aviz as a PhD student.
Yvonne Jansen joins Aviz as a PhD student.
Jean-Daniel Fekete is interviewed about Jacques Bertin by Enrico Bertini during the Dagstuhl Seminar on Scalable Visual Analytics.
The GeneaQuilt program for visualizing large genealogies is available for download.
Petra Isenberg and her co-authors receive an honorable mention at IEEE VAST 2010 for their paper on An Exploratory Study of Visual Analytics Around a Tabletop Display.
Petra Isenberg is hired at INRIA / Aviz as a Research Scientist.
Fanny Chevalier presents Diffamation at the plenary session of the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Brussels, Belgium.
Petra Isenberg receives the Best Paper Award at the CHI 2010 Workshop BELIV'2010 for her paper Evaluating Information Visualization in Large Companies: Challenges, Experiences and Recommendations in Atlanta, GA, USA.
Petra Isenberg joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.
Xiujun Li joins Aviz as a Research Engineer.
Pierre-Luc Hémery joins Aviz as a Research Engineer.
Caroline Appert, Stéphane Huot, Pierre Dragicevic and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon receive the best paper award at the IHM '09 conference for their paper on the FlowStates toolkit.
Jean-Daniel Fekete demonstrates the ScatterDice system to the CEO of Microsoft Steve Ballmer and the French Minister of Research Valérie Pécresse   [video].
Nadia Boukhelifa joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.
Evelyne Lutton joins Aviz as a Research Scientist.
Jiacheng Li joins Aviz as an intern.
Hélène Milome joins Aviz as an assistant.
Jean-Daniel Fekete interviewed in the February issue of IEEE Computer: Users Take a Close Look at Visual Analytics (free link here.)
Fadia Azaiez joins Aviz as a PhD student.
Fanny Chevalier interviewed by France Info [listen] on new graph navigation techniques (in French).
Nathalie Henry interviewed in the magazine Les sciences du numérique (in French).
Fanny Chevalier, Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete participated to the Science Fair at LRI, featuring the edition of the Social Network of Harry Potter.
Niklas Elmqvist, Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete received the Best Paper award at the InfoVis 2008 Conference for their paper Rolling the Dice: Multidimensional Visual Exploration using Scatterplot Matrix Navigation.
Julie Stromer joins Aviz as a Research Engineer.
Wael Khemiri joins Aviz as a PhD student.
Tomer Moscovich joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.
Nathalie Henry successfully defended her PhD thesis « Exploring Large Social Networks with Matrix-Based Representations ».
Nathalie Henry accepted a Researcher position at the VIBE team of Microsoft Research in Redmond, USA.
Niklas Elmqvist accepted an Assistant Professor position at the School of ECE at Purdue University in West Lafayette, USA.
Pierre Dragicevic interviewed by the Radio Suisse Romande about DimP [listen in French].
Anastasia Bezerianos and Petra Isenberg are visiting Aviz for one month.
Fanny Chevalier joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.
Aviz members to present 3 full papers at CHI 2008.
Stéphane Descorps-Declère joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.
Launching of WikipediaViz, a complete archive version of the French Wikipedia with visualizations for estimating article maturity (in French).
Jean-Daniel Fekete interviewed by France Culture [listen] and Libération on Wikipedia reliability issues and the WikipediaViz project (articles in French).
Nathalie Henry and Jean-Daniel Fekete received the Brian Shackel Award at the INTERACT 2007 Conference for their paper MatLink: Enhanced Matrix Visualization for Analyzing Social Networks.
Pierre Dragicevic joins Aviz as a Research Scientist.
Jean-Daniel Fekete creates Aviz.