Aviz Gallery

A visual sample of past and ongoing work at Aviz.

Greek Gods

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A detail of the Greek gods genealogy shown with the GeneaQuilts visualization technique.

Credits: J-D. Fekete, A. Bezerianos, P. Dragicevic, J. Bae, B. Watson.

Edit War

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An edit war in the Wikipedia Article about the Pope, shown using animations by the Diffamation revision browsing system.

Credits: F. Chevalier, P. Dragicevic, A. Bezerianos, J-D. Fekete.

Wall-Sized Display

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Scene from a short movie promoting visual analytics realized for the European project VisMaster and featuring the 131-megapixel display from the WILD project.

Credits: F. Chevalier, C. Blonz, J-D. Fekete.

Scatterplot Animation

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Storyboard showing how animated 2D scatterplots can be used to navigate into multidimensional data. Here, the y axis of the scatterplot is mapped to a new dimension y'. See the ScatterDice page or launch the demo.

Credits: N. Elmqvist, P. Dragicevic, J-D. Fekete.

Baseball Pitch

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Scrutinizing a baseball pitcher's motion using direct manipulation. See the Dimp page.

Credits: P. Dragicevic, G. Ramos, J. Bibliowicz, D. Nowrouzezahrai, R. Balakrishnan, K. Singh.

Space Folding

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Melange is a new space distortion technique that folds the intervening space to guarantee visibility of multiple focus regions while preserving distance awareness.

Credits: N. Elmqvist, J-D. Fekete, N. Henry, Y. Riche.

UIST Coauthorship Network

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A hybrid graph visualization showing the collaborations between the 900+ authors of the UIST conference since its beginning. This image has been created with the NodeTrix module of the InfoVis toolkit and has been post-processed in Illustrator. The JUNG library and the LinLog layout algorithm have been used for computing the layout. This new version of the poser includes TechNotes publications and an author index. Lauch the demo using Java Web Start.

Credits: N. Henry, J-D. Fekete, M. McGuffin, P. Dragicevic.

Hard Disk

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The MillionVis software showing a treemap of a server hard disk containing 1,000,000 files. Colors represent filetypes, areas are proportional to directory size. MillionVis uses accelerated graphics and supports interactive navigation into huge datasets.

Credits: J-D. Fekete, C. Plaisant.

French Elections

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A treemap showing the results of the cantonales 2004 in Île de France. This image is divided into two election rounds, then departements, county subdivisions, districts, and finally results by political party ; areas are proportional to the percentage of votes (details here). This image has been created with the InfoVis toolkit.

Credit: J-D. Fekete.

Scientific collaboration

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The coauthorship network of the LRI lab from 2000 to 2004. The topleft connected component includes members of the projects InSitu and Aviz. This image has been created with the InfoVis toolkit and the GEM graph layout algorithm.

Credit: J-D. Fekete.

Citation matrix

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The Zoomable Adjacency Matrix Explorer (ZAME) showing part of a citation matrix (the size of pink rectangles is proportional to the number of citations). Although matrix representations are less intuitive than node-link diagrams, their visual complexity does not explode as the size of data increases.

Credits: J-D. Fekete, N. Elmqvist, T-N. Do, H. Goodell, N. Henry.


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Manuscript, a program for reading digitized manuscripts using a fisheye view.

Credit: J-D. Fekete.