Aviz is a multidisciplinary team of Inria and Université Paris-Saclay aiming at improving the analysis and visualization of large and complex datasets by combining analysis methods with interactive visualizations. Learn more...

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Sungbok Shin starts his post-doc with Jean-Daniel, welcome!


🏆 Our paper on PREVis: Perceived Readability Evaluation for Visualizations got an honorable mention at VIS 2024!


🏆 Our paper on Talk to the Wall: The Role of Speech Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics got an honorable mention at VIS 2024!


Eliane Zambon-Victorelli starts her 6-month visit with Petra, welcome!


🏆 Our paper on Glanceable Data Visualizations for Older Adults: Establishing Thresholds and Examining Disparities Between Age Groups got an honorable mention at CHI 2024!


Ambre Assor starts her post-doc with Jean-Daniel on the URGE project, welcome!


Aviz has a new poster; thanks to Anne-Flore Cabouat for the layout!


🏆 Lijie Yao wins the Prix thèse de 2023 de l'AFIHM (2023 Ph.D. thesis prize from AFIHM), congrats!


Zihan Lu starts her internship with Tingying He and Tobias Isenberg, welcome!


Emanuele Santos starts her one-year visit with Jean-Daniel, welcome!


Lu Ying starts her 7-month visit with Jean-Daniel Fekete, welcome!


🎓 Lijie Yao successfully defends her PhD on Situated Visualization in Motion.


Our paper on “Designing for Visualization in Motion: Embedding Visualizations in Swimming Videos” is accepted to the journal IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. We will present this work at IEEE VIS 2024.


Yucheng Lu 陆禹承 starts his PhD with Aviz, exploring Hybrid AR-Desktop Scientific Exploration Environments.


Junxiu Tang starts his 6-month visit with Petra Isenberg, welcome!


🏆 Petra Isenberg is inducted into the IEEE VGTC Visualization Academy.


Aviz researchers make several contributions to IEEE VIS 2023: 3 papers, 3 workshop papers. 👍


Petra Isenberg, Florent Cabric, and Mickael Sereno organize Pre-VIS Day 2023 at our Lab, where researchers present their IEEE VIS 2023 (or associated event & TVCG) papers and discuss them in a smaller circle.


Our work titled "Open Questions about the Visualization of Sociodemographic Data" is accepted to the VIS4Good workshop, and "Data Embroidery with Black-and-White Textures" is accepted to the alt.VIS workshop at IEEE VIS 2023.


Our papers on "Eleven Years of Gender Data Visualization: Towards more Inclusive Gender Representation", "Design Characterization for Black-and-White Textures in Visualization", and "MeTACAST: Target- and Context-aware Spatial Selection in VR" are accepted to IEEE VIS 2023.


Florent Cabric co-organizes Journée Visu 2023, held at l'Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay.


Lisa Taldir starts her 2-month internship with Jean-Daniel Fekete, welcome!


Gabriela Molina León starts her 3-month visit with Petra Isenberg, welcome!


Tingying He presents our paper on Studies of Part-to-Whole Glanceable Visualizations on Smartwatch Faces at PacificVis 2023.


Karelia Vilca Salinas starts her 10 months internship with Jean-Daniel Fekete, welcome!


🎓 Alaul Islam successfully defends his PhD on Visualizations for Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers.


Yuchen Lu starts his 6-month internship with Tobias Isenberg, welcome!


Anne-Flore Cabouat starts her internship with Tobias Isenberg, Petra Isenberg, and Tingying He, welcome!


🎓 Jiayi Hong successfully defends her PhD on Machine Learning Supported Interactive Visualization of Hybrid 3D and 2D Data for the Example of Plant Cell Lineage Specification.


Fairouz Grioui starts her 3-month visit with Petra Isenberg, welcome!


🎓 Alexis Pister successfully defends his PhD on Visual Analytics for Historical Social Networks: Traceability, Exploration, and Analysis.


Aviz researchers make several contributions to IEEE VIS 2022: 3 papers, 2 TVCG papers, 1 CG&A paper, 1 symposium keynote, 4 workshop papers, 1 panel, and 2 posters. 👍


Katerina Batziakoudi joins us for her PhD, with the company Berger-Levrault, on the visualization of budgets. Welcome!


Florent Cabric joins us for his PostDoc on the EquityAnalytics project. Welcome!


Our papers on “Studying Early Decision Making with Progressive Bar Charts”, "Understanding Barriers to Network Exploration with Visualization: A Report from the Trenches", and "BeauVis: A Validated Scale for Measuring the Aesthetic Pleasure of Visual Representations" are accepted to IEEE VIS 2022. We will present these work at IEEE VIS 2022.


Nivan Ferreira starts his 4-month visit with Jean-Daniel, welcome!

============================================ (:cellnr width=120px:) (:cell:) Our journal articleUnderstanding Differences between Combinations of 2D and 3D Input and Output Devices for 3D Data Visualization” is published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. ============================================

At EuroVis 2022, we present two papers and three posters.

============================================ (:cellnr width=120px:) (:cell:) At EuroVis 2022, we present two papers: “LineageD: An Interactive Visual System for Plant Cell Lineage Assignments based on Correctable Machine Learning” and “Hybrid Touch/Tangible Spatial Selection in Augmented Reality”. Both are also published as journal articles in the Computer Graphics Forum. We also present a paper on “Personal Experiences of Providing and Using Research Prototypes” at the VisGap workshop. ============================================

Alaul Islam presents our paper on Preferences and effectiveness of sleep data visualizations for smartwatches and fitness bands at ACM CHI 2022.


Ebrar A. D. Santos starts her Master's internship with Jiayi Hong and Tobias Isenberg, welcome!


Federica Bucchieri starts her 6-month master internship with Lijie Yao and Petra Isenberg, welcome!


🎓 Natkamon Tovanich successfully defends his PhD on Visual Analytics for Monitoring and Exploration of Blockchain Data.


We co-authored several book chapters of the CRC Press book on “Mobile Data Visualization”, co-edited by Petra Isenberg.

============================================ (:cellnr width=120px:) (:cell:) Our paper on “Do You Believe Your (Social Media) Data? A Personal Story on Location Data Biases, Errors, and Plausibility as well as their Visualization” is accepted to the journal IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. We will present this work at IEEE VIS 2022. ============================================

🎓 Mickael Sereno successfully defends his PhD on Collaborative Data Exploration and Discussion Supported by Augmented Reality.

============================================ (:cellnr width=120px:) (:cell:) Our paper on “Point Specification in Collaborative Visualization for 3D Scalar Fields Using Augmented Reality” is accepted to Springer's Virtual Reality journal. ============================================

🎓 Petra Isenberg successfully defends her HDR (habilitation).


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