Perceived Readability Evaluation in Visualization

PREVis allows you to quickly and reliably measure how readable people find a data visualization.

See the questionnaire

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Questionnaire templates

Easily implement PREVis in your own study

We currently provide templates for Google form and Limesurvey, as well as a PDF version of the form.

See all templates
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Study protocols

Get hands-on information with two examples of study design implementing PREVis and data analysis protocols.

Example 1

Using PREVis to compare two data visualizations (A vs B).

Example 2

Using PREVis to complement a qualitative study about a new visualization

We developped and validated PREVis follwing a rigourous methodology: check out our research article to learn about it (available on HAL archive).

If you use any material from this website,
please support our research by citing the paper.

Anne-Flore Cabouat, Tingying He, Petra Isenberg, and Tobias Isenberg. PREVis: Perceived Readability Evaluation for Visualizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 31, 2025. To appear. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2024.3456318

  author = {Anne-Flore Cabouat and Tingying He and Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg},
 title = {{PREVis}: Perceived Readability Evaluation for Visualizations},
 journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
 year = {2025},
 volume = {31},
 doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2024.3456318},
 osf_url = {},
 github_url = {},
 url = {}, }

PREVis questionnaire

There are 4 individual scales in PREVis, each measuring a particular dimension of perceived readability.

Undertand scale

obvious It is obvious for me how to read this visualization
represent I can easily understand how the data is represented in this visualization
understand I can easily understand this visualization

Layout scale

messy I don’t find this visualization messy
crowd I don’t find this visualization crowded
distract I don’t find distracting parts in this visualization

Reading data scale

find I can easily find specific elements in this visualization
identify I can easily identify relevant information in this visualization
information I can easily retrieve information from this visualization

Reading features scale

visible I find data features (for example, a minimum, or an outlier, or a trend) visible in this visualization
see I can clearly see data features (for example, a minimum, or an outlier, or a trend) in this visualization

For each statement of each scale, participants use a 7-points fully labeled likert scale to rate their agreement:

Form templates

Here are a few questionnaire templates to help you implement PREVis in your studies:

  • PDF file - you can print this form (2 pages) or use it to digitally collect data (see Adobe data collection methods). We also share a one-page version you can use to collect comments for each scale instead of offering a N/A answer option, but we recommend using the original version.
  • Limesurvey - this file contains a liste of groups, questions, answers and conditions for implementating PREVis. You can use the import .lss option on Limesurvey to get started. The file does not contain any stylesheet. We recommend you style your survey to match the presentation above this section (scroll up).
  • Google form - we do not recommend the use of Google form because there is no way to style answers options to match the presentation above.


We developped and tested PREVis to help provide insight on readability for many different types* of visualizations. It is important to note, however, that we developed PREVis with a focus on readability in static images, and NOT to evaluate a system’s interactive featureseven features that are targeted at improving readability of visualizations. If you would like to use PREVis on visualizations in an interactive tool where visualizations can change, you can still use PREVis but you can only test specific instances of the visualizations that your tool can produce. PREVis can in this case, for example, help you to compare which representations types might be more or less readable for certain dataset sizes, dataset types or using which color scales, label types, etc.

Similarly, PREVis might lack some dimensions to measure readbility 3D environments such as virtual reality, or physical visualizations in the real world. Such contexts would ideally require additional work prior to using PREVis. As a first step, you should conduct a qualitative study with users and experts to assess the need for expanding or adapting PREVis items to your specific context. Depending on the results, you might then need to generate new items and conduct an exploratory study followed with a validation study similar to the one we ran for PREVis; or it’s possible that adapting PREVis items and running a validity study would be enough.

*While it is virtually impossible to test PREVis on all existing types of visualizations, along the development process we used a bar chart, a histogram, two line charts, a pie chart, a scatterplot, a bubble chart, a choropleth map, node-link representations, and a novel type of representation for genealogical trees called GeneaQuilts (see Bezerianos et al., 2010).

We cannot answer this question a-priori because it depends on what you want to do with the results. If you want to measure a specific difference in the perceived readability between two visualizations (see Study 1 below), you could conduct a power analysis. If you want to use the PREVis results to initiate a discussion with participants (see Study 2 below), you can choose the number of participants by following a principle of saturation as in qualitative research.

We developed and tested PREVis with a general population. We went through a dedicated qualitative research phase called « cognitive interviews » where we showed the scale to people who were not visualization researchers/experts to ensure that the items of the scale would be understandable to a general population. Our final validation study was also conducted with a general population filling out PREVis. We are, therefore, confident that the scale can be used by most study participants. However, we did not test the scale with children or people with any kinds of cognitive or other impairments and cannot make any recommendations about the use of the scale with such study populations.

This depends on the type of study you run. Generally, we recommend deploying PREVis shortly after people use the visualization you are studying.

You can deploy PREVis on paper or by creating a digital version. We provide PDF and form templates above.

No, the 4 dimensions of our instrument are not entirely independent: together, they indicate how easily people feel they can read a data visualization—which we call the “perceived readability” construct. We have observed that all subscales (i.e., dimensions) share common variance in respondents; however, there are also important differences which require researchers to analyze each subscale separately. As such, you should not aggregate PREVis subscales’ individual ratings into an average score (see question below: How do I analyze the ratings?).

It also means that, if you are only interested in studying a specific component of perceived readability, you can drop subscales that are not relevant. For example, if you are testing a system where people cannot read individual data points but only trends or clusters, you might drop the DataRead subscale; or, if you are interested in studying the layout clarity for experts who are already well trained in reading the type of visualization you are using, you could drop the Understand subscale. Such data, however, will reflect a truncated view of how readable your participants find your visualization.

It’s worth noting that the Understand and the Layout subscales might target two formative dimensions of perceived readability: if a person feels that they do not know how to read a visualization or find the layout too cluttered, this would contribute to forming a lower perceived readability for that person. In contrast, the DataRead and DataFeat scales might target reflective dimensions: a visualization with poor perceived readability may lead participants to struggle while attempting to read data points or data features. These hypothetical properties of our four subscales are not yet established and require further studies; however, the formative or reflective nature of these indicators does not affect their validity for measuring perceived readability in studies.

When using PREVis to compare perceived readability for two or more visualizations, you should calculate an average (mean) for each subscale. Do NOT calculate a mean for the entire instrument. There might be small differences for a specific perceived readability dimension while others have larger differences. This will only be captured by an individual subscale: by calculating an average score, you might flatten these differences and it will hinder your analysis.

Avoid calculating an average PREVis score; instead, we recommend you plot individual subscales’ averages individually.

The example data above was collected during an independent study with two visualizations and 34 participants. If plotted together, the average PREVis ratings do not differ much (about 0.75 difference between point estimates). Upon closer look, however, Layout ratings showed a higher difference between visualizations A and B, while the DataFeat readability ratings only showed a very small difference. We can only make such observations by analyzing each subscale separately.

Visualizations may also have different ranks depending on the subscale. This is illustrated by looking at ratings for visualizations D, E and F in our exploratory survey in the figure below.

Ratings from our between-participants exploratory study described in the PREVis paper (see Fig. 29 in Appendix O in the full PREVis paper). When looking at ratings for visualizations D, E and F, we observe different ranks for the Understand or the Layout subscales’ ratings.

While visualization E obtained higher Layout ratings than visualizations D and F, the situation was reversed for Understand. These ratings mean that participants found it more difficult to understand how to read visualization E, even though its layout was visually clearer than visualizations F and D. Flattening PREVis score would hinder the possibility to identify what the readability issues are.

We provide example plots, csv files and a Python notebook to generate the plots in the folder /using PREVis/plotting PREVis data/. Also check the Data analysis section in our Study 1 example protocol below.

Examples of study protocols


You have two visualizations you would like to compare. Maybe…

  • you developed Visualization A and want to compare it to the state-of-the-art, which is Visualization B, or
  • you developed both Visualization A and B and want to choose between them

Study description

This is a within-subjects (lab or online) study in which participants will perform one or multiple tasks with each visualization. Your goal is to study specific objective measures, perhaps error rates and time, but also potentially more subjective measures related to aesthetics, preference, required effort, etc. You want to deploy PreVIS to also study each visualization’s perceived readability.


You will have multiple hypotheses for your study depending on the metrics you include. For readability, a possible hypothesis could be:

H1: Participants perceive Visualization B to be more readable than Visualization A because [it uses an encoding for quantity that is considered more effective || it is rendered at a larger size || past studies have shown Visualization B to be superior to Visualization A in a similar scenario || …]


The study’s primary objectives do not have to be framed around readability. They could be framed around measuring performance, cognitive load, or other metrics, including readability. In our scenario measuring readability is a secondary objective to help to potentially explain your results. For example, you could have the following objectives:

Primary Objective Example

Evaluate participants’ task performance with Visualization A and Visualization B for Tasks T1, T2, and T3.

Secondary Objective Example

Compare participants’ perceived readability following the performance of T1, T2, and T3.

Alternative Primary Objective Example

Evaluate participants’ task performance with Visualization A and Visualization B for Tasks T1, T2, T3. Visualization B is a variant of Visualization A that just differs in layout (e.g. Vis A is a network visualization using layout Algorithm 1, and Vis B uses Algorithm 2). You want to find out if people perform better with Algorithm 1 than Algorithm 2.

Alternative Secondary Objective Example

Compare participants perception of the visual clarity of the layout produced with Algorithm 1 (Vis A) and Algorithm 2 (Vis B). In this case you would deploy PREVis only using the “Layout” subscale.

Collected data

  • Measurements from your primary objective
  • PREVis scores per participant and item (grouped by subscale)
  • Potentially responses to PREVis in case participants did not know how to answer

Study population

The number of participants you need depends on your study design and primary objective.

Study procedure

In our scenario an ideal option is to start the experiment by briefly presenting Visualization A and B, although we acknowledge that this is not always possible.

In any case, participants will then use one of the two visualizations chosen randomly, perform the three tasks with the first visualization, and only then fill out PREVis. Next, they continue the study with the second visualization and fill out PREVis again.

We do not recommend to deploy PREVis before people have had to actually read each visualization.

We also do not recommend to ask people to fill out PREVis for both visualizations at the end of the study.

Data analysis

For PreVIS you calculate a mean for each subscale individually per participant. Next, you may perform inferential statistics using bootstrap confidence intervals to provide evidence of a difference between the scores for each visualization and subscale. You can read  Dragicevic (2016) to get some help on how to do that (open access on

You can also refer to our data analysis notebooks in the /using PREVis/plotting PREVis data/ folder and/or validation study folder research code/Replication - PREVis validation figures/Notebooks on

1. Point estimates with CI

You can plot point estimates for each subscale average with 95% and 99% bootstrap confidence interval (using, for example, the pointplot function with matplotlib and seaborn librairies in Python).

Below: Point estimate plots for each PREVis subscale with 95% and 99% confidence intervals.

2. Repeated measures differences with CI

In this scenario, a repeated-measures difference analysis will allow you to further analyze the differences between visualizations A and B ratings. For each subscale and participant, you can calculate the difference between Vis A and Vis B, and then plot point estimates for these values with bootstrap confidence intervals. Or you could rely on existing methods for tests between two repeated measures, such as ttest_rel in the scipy library in Python.

Below: B-A difference point estimate for each PREVis subscale with 95% and 99% confidence intervals.

Intepretation of the results

In this scenario you should report both analyses and focus on the size of the difference between the scores of each visualization. A difference between the scores provides evidence that participants found one to be more readable than the other. Remember that no single study can provide conclusive evidence.

Within-subjects designs aim to control for between-participant differences. Assessing the correlations between repeated measures (A and B ratings) for each subscale can help prevent misinterpretation of the confidence intervals. Positive correlations indicate consistency of measurements: it means that if Participant 1 gave a higher rating to Vis A than Participant 2, then Participant 1 will also tend to rate Vis B higher than Participant 2. Positive correlations in repeated measures can reduce margin of error for confidence interval estimation. Negative correlations, however, might indicate measurement error and increase the margin of error in the confidence interval estimation (see Cumming and Finch, 2005). You can plot pairs of repeated measures on scatterplots with a regression line to help assess such correlations.

As PREVis measures “perceived” readability, the results will depend on each participant and study context. As such, we do not recommend to simply compare numbers from one experiment to another very different experiment.


You have developed a new visualization and would like to more deeply understand how people experience using it.

Study description

This is a lab study in which participants will use your visualization, either freely or with tasks you give to them. Your goal is to better understand how you can further improve the visualization.


A study such as this is exploratory and does not require hypotheses.


The study’s primary objectives is to explore how people experience your visualization, what works and what seems difficult. In our scenario measuring readability is one objective together with observations and responses to interview questions you will collect.

Collected data

  • Video + audio recordings of people using the visualization under a think-aloud protocol
  • Video + audio recordings of an interview you conduct with the participants about how they experienced the visualizations
  • Results from PREVis

Study population

The number of participants you need depends on your goal. If you want to conduct an in-depth qualitative study a common choice is to follow the principle of saturation (see  Saunders et al., 2018).

Study procedure

You should follow recommended study procedures for a think-aloud/observational usability or user experience study (again, depending on your goal). You can deploy PREVis at the end and then interview participants about how they answered the scale. Using PREVis in this way, it may serve as a conversation starter to better understand the different factors related to perceived readability. You could also fill out PREVis together with the participants by asking them the individual scale question and collect explanations at the same time.

NB: we have not experimented with using PREVis this way and as such, our recommendations stem from using questionnaires in qualitative research more broadly.

Data analysis

You may still analyze PREVis the same way as in Study 1, analysis 1 (using only the point estimate analysis with confidence intervals). Alternatively, depending on the number of participants, you could choose to plot average scores for each scale and person, like in the figure below, or a mean with a standard deviation.

Below: Example plots for 5 participants in a qualitative study.

You will also collect rich qualitative responses on participants’ choices, which you can analyze using your favorite qualitative data analysis methods.