Visual Analytics 2015-2016 @ University of Dresden

This course will introduce you to techniques and tools for analyzing and visualizing data from the domain of visual analytics. It emphasizes how to combine computation and visualization to perform effective analysis. The course consists of a series of lectures on dealing with data and its problems (acquiring data, cleaning data, simple statistics,...) as well as general lectures on analysis processes and strategies. It may be accompanied by lectures on (information) visualization and interactive data exploration. The course will include hands-on tutorials during which you will learn to work on analysis problems using tools such as R, Tableau, and OpenRefine/Trifacta Wrangler.
Je nach Bedürfnis der Teilnehmer wird die Veranstaltung auf Deutsch oder Englisch gehalten.
Website at the University of Dresden:
Course Instructors
Location and Time
The course will be held in the week of 22nd - 16th of February, 2016 in APB E001 und E065. Go here for the lecture plan.
If you are going to be using your own laptop, then install:
- Install Tableau. The data visualization software is provided through the Tableau for Teaching program. I will give you a license key at the beginning of the class.
- Install R
- Install R Studio
- Install OpenRefine
- Assignments: 30%
- Project: 70%
Late Policy
For assignments we will deduct 10% for each day (including weekends) the assignment is late.