Diffamation - Using Text Animated Transitions to Support Navigation in Document Histories


This project examines the benefits of using text animated transitions for navigating in the revision history of textual documents.

We propose an animation technique for smoothly transitioning between different text revisions and illustrate it with the Diffamation system. Diffamation allows rapid exploration of revision histories by combining text animated transitions with simple navigation and visualization tools. A controlled user study suggests that smooth text animation allows users to track changes in the evolution of textual documents more effectively than flipping pages.


Chevalier, F., Dragicevic, P., Bezerianos, A., and Fekete, J. 2010. Using text animated transitions to support navigation in document histories. In Proceedings of the 28th international Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 10 - 15, 2010). CHI '10. ACM, New York, NY, 683-692.

This article has been presented at the CHI 2010 conference and at the plenary session of the Ubuntu Developer Summit - M.



This page illustrates with examples why it is useful to smoothly animate text between document revisions.


Diffamation is implemented in Java and is currently under the CeCILL-2 licence.
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