Small Project Assignment

The goal is to implement a small visualization in regards to the work you have done for the previous assignments (your research questions and sketches).

What do do

For this assignment I want to you implement a basic visualization - this can follow the tool you have proposed on your last sketches or, if you have gotten new inspiration, you can also choose another representation. The visualization should include appropriate visual variables, labels, and necessary references structures and be visually pleasing to look at. The P5 sketch should be embedded on a website and this website should have a good title, detail on who was involved in implementing the visualization ONLY if you don't care about your names appearing online (remember that I still plan to share your visualizations with the visualizations community). Also include a short (!) description of WHAT the visualizations shows, WHY we should care about it, and HOW to read the visualization. Bonus points will be given for interactive content or other effort that goes beyond the basic requirements. In addition create a .txt file in which you tell me how each team member contributed to the project.

In terms of the aesthetics your visualization take inspiration from how professional designers style their visualizations - but don't overdo it.

In the last tutorial you will present your solution to everyone and explain what the visualization does. The presentation will be part of the grade.

Submitting the Assignment

'''WHAT - Submit your sketch folder like for the last assignment to Slack or send me a link to download. In a .zip file add the sketch folder and a .txt file

  1. Your sketch and the website as for the last assignment. Make sure that your code runs. I will be using Firefox to look at the visual result of your exercise.
  2. Make sure the data file is submitted in the data folder
  3. A .txt file in which you tell me how each team member contributed to the project
  4. Also submit a 300x300px thumbnail screenshot of your solution. The thumbnail will be used on a website where all solutions of all students will be collected and made available. Do not put any identifying information on your html page if you do not want to be identified.

WHERE - You should email the file to with the subject InfoVis Assignment 7. OR via Slack

WHEN - Assignment 7 is due before "23:00 on Wednesday, December 6.'''


You can reuse this content for your class if you acknowledge us (Petra Isenberg, Wesley Willett):