Tutorial and Assignment 3 - Basic Statistics with R

In this tutorial you will learn to do basic descriptive and inferential statistics using R. This tutorial is independent from the other ones.

You should submit the completed assignment to us before 23:00 on Monday, February 29th (details below).


Download and uncompress stats-assignments.zip in a directory of your choice. If you use RStudio, go to Menu -> New project... -> Create project from existing directory, and select your directory.


Open part1-intro.R and follow the instructions. The instructions are within the file. Most of the R code is already provided, but you will be also asked to fill holes. Do this directly in the file. Do not forget to save regularly, R sometimes crashes. Then once done, proceed to Part2, then Part3, then Part4. Part5 is optional.

Submitting the Assignment

WHAT - You should submit a single ZIP file called "YOUR_NAME-Assignment3.zip" via email. It should contain your entire stats assignment directory, in particular:

  1. The files part1-intro.R, part2-barcharts.R, part3-confidence.R, and part4-salesmen.R, modified by yourself, including your interpretations provided as code comments, when requested.
  2. Optionally, the file part5-optional.R.
  3. Optionally, a separate text file (e.g., txt, doc or rtf) called README with additional explanations that can help us grade your assignment.

Part4-salesmen.R will be given more weight in the grading. Assignments done correctly but without optional content will be graded as 80% of max grade.

WHERE - You should email the file to petra.isenberg@inria.fr with email title Stats Assignment

WHEN - Remember that Assignment 3 is due before "23:00 on Monday, February 29th.'''