Tutorial 4 - Exploratory Analysis with Tableau

In this tutorial you will use Tableau Desktop to explore the "loyalty card" and "credit card" you cleaned in experiment 2, as well as several other related data sets. We will perform some initial analysis together in class, and you will then perform some more on your own.

You should submit the completed assignment to us before 23:00 on Monday, October 13th (details below).

Getting Started

You should have installed Tableau already. If not, you can download it here: http://www.tableausoftware.com/tft/activation. You will need to talk to us to get a license for the course.


Kronos-Tutorial4.zip - A ZIP file containing:

  • A CSV file containing car assignments and job information for each of the employees at the company.
  • A large (32MB) CSV file with tracking data for the company provided cars.
  • A much smaller (2MB) CSV file with a less-detailed random subsample of the car tracking data.
  • A map of the city streets.
  • A tourist map of the city (not necessary for this assignment).

Bounds for the aliba-streets.png map are:
North: 36.094917 South: 36.045013
East: 24.909966 West: 24.82401

You will also use your two CSV files from Assignment 2.


In the assignment you should combine your cleaned data files from last week with the new files and explore them using Tableau. You should connect the car assignments file to each of the other data files and use them to answer questions about the employees. (If the names do not match correctly, you may need to fix your files from assignment 2.)

Produce a visualization to answer each of the following questions:

Summarize the spending habits of the employees in Engineering using their credit card data. Q1. On average, at which businesses were the purchases made by engineers the largest, and at which businesses were their average purchases the smallest?
Q2. On what day did employees in engineering spend the most total money?
Q3. A few of the businesses process all of their credit card purchases all at once just one time a day. Which are they?

Use the GPS logs to identify employees and vehicles of interest.
Q4. One of the employees often works late at GasTech - who is it?
Q5. Out of all the vehicles, which one experiences the highest amount of usage in a single day (and which day is it)?

For each one numbered question, you should provide one visualization as well as a short paragraph explaining your finding. (If one visualization is not sufficient, you can create a dashboard with multiple visualizations - but try to keep it clear and communicative.)

Submitting the Assignment

WHAT - You should submit a single ZIP file called "YOUR_NAME-Assignment4.zip" via email. It should contain:

  1. A TXT file named "YOUR_NAME-Assignment4.txt" containing (a) your name (b) answers to each of the 5 questions.
  2. JPG image files containing the visualizations that you created to answer each question. Files should be named "Assignment4-YOUR_NAME-Q1.jpg" (e.g. for Q1).

WHERE - You should email the file to wesley.willett@inria.fr with the subject VA-Assignment4.

WHEN - Remember that Assignment 4 is due before "23:00 on Monday, October 13th.'''