Project Presentation and Report

For your final project we expect 2 things, a demo and a small report (due a week later)

Demo/Final presentation

  • Your demo will take place during the last class on Monday May 13 @ 8:30.
  • You have a maximum of 10 minutes for the demo plus a maximum of 5 minutes for questions. This will count as 40% of your mark.
  • Your demo should include a
    • 30s elevator pitch - who and what is your tool for
    • a short explanation of what the tool shows
    • a short demo of the possible interactions in the tool
    • a short demo of some of the most interesting things you found in the data


Your report will count as 1 assignment - it is due on May 22 (see below)

Your report should have the following structure:

  1. A title for your project and the names of all team members. Describe how each team member contributed to the project.
  2. Introduction: describe your project. Write 1 paragraph each about:
    1. What your project visualizes broadly (do not describe individual features yet), who the users are, and what it allows users to do
    2. Why you built it - what is the motivation
    3. How you built the tool (e.g. describe software you wrote, libraries you used, etc.)
  3. Feature Description. Briefly describe the main features of your tool and use screenshots to illustrate them.
  4. Interesting findings. Write short descriptions of 2-3 things you learned from the dataset using the tool. Illustrate what you found using screenshots.

What to submit

  1. Your tool. Create a .zip file with the following content:
    1. Your sketch and the website that includes it, any data files and libraries needed to run the tool in the right folder structure. Make sure that your code runs as is once your .zip file is extracted. We will be using Firefox to look at the visual result of your exercise.
      1. On the website that includes your sketch add the title of your overarching research question - and a name for your tool: for example: MyCoolVis - A tool to visualize a researcher's history. Add a subtitle as appropriate. Remember what you learned in the storytelling lecture also about how to present and start up your visualization.
    2. Also submit a 300x300px thumbnail screenshot of your solution. The thumbnail might be used on a website where all solutions of all students will be collected and made available. Do not put any identifying information on your html page if you do not want to be identified.
  2. Your report. Save your report as a .pdf file (no word or rtf documents are acceptable) and submit it via email.

When to submit what and how

  1. Before Monday May 13th 8:30am submit your tool. If the .zip file is relatively small submit it via email to and with the subject G&V-Final Project. If it is a large file send us an email (same addresses and subject) with a download link. Make sure the file remains available for a few weeks after the deadline and that the timestamp of the last modification of the file remains unchanged.
  2. By end of the day Wednesday May 22nd submit your final report as a .pdf file via email to and with the subject G&V-Project Report.