Graphisme et Visualisation 2019

As the amount of on-line data is growing faster than the speed of computers to process them, it becomes harder and harder to analyze this data and to understand it both at a global level and a smaller scales. Such understanding is nevertheless a necessary prerequisite to any decision process. The goal of Information Visualization is to create visual representations that allow users to understand abstract data and to provide users with interaction capabilities that are designed to efficiently navigate and analyze these representations.
The course presents the most recent works in this research domain by successively looking at the various types of visualizations according to the type of data being analyzed: tabular data, hierarchical data, graphs, texts.
Course Instructors
- Petra Isenberg (main contact)
- Yujiro Okuya (TA)
If you have a question, feel free to e-mail us
Location and Time
- The time of the class is very irregular, please consult the schedule page
There are no assigned books for this class but for further information we recommend the following resources
- Visualization Analysis and Design by Tamara Munzner
- Visualizing Data by Ben Fry (with an introduction to Processing)
- Interactive Information Visualization by Robert Spence
- Information Visualization: Perception for Design by Colin Ware
Grading scheme
- Student assignments (40% of the total grade)
- Final Project (40%)
- Design Critique (15%)
- Participation (5%)
There will be a few assignments that are meant to help you along with your project. They will be graded.
Late Policy
For assignments we will deduct 10% for each day (including weekends) the assignment is late.
Plagiarism Policy
Assignments should consist primarily of your original work, building off of others' work--including 3rd party libraries, public source code examples, and design ideas--is acceptable and in most cases encouraged. However, failure to cite such sources will result in score deductions proportional to the severity of the oversight.
You can reuse the content of these pages for your class if you acknowledge the course and teachers of this year's course: