ProgressiVis: A Python Toolkit for Progressive Data Analysis and Visualization
ProgressiVis is a Python toolkit and scientific workflow system that implements a new programming paradigm that we call Progressive Data Analysis aimed at performing analytics in a progressive way. It allows analysts to see the progress of their analysis and to steer it while the computation is being done.
Instead of running algorithms (by calling functions) to completion, sequentially, as done in all existing scientific analysis systems, ProgressiVis modules (the equivalent of functions in regular programming languages) run in short batches, each batch being only allowed to run for a limited quantum of time - typically 1 second - producing a usable result in the end, and yielding control to the next module. To perform the whole computation, ProgressiVis loops over the modules as many times as necessary to converge to a result that the analyst considers satisfactory.
The ProgressiVis Toolkit is distributed in open-source with a BSD license to foster experimentation for improving the development of new progressive systems.
The public repositories are https://github.com/progressivis/progressivis and https://github.com/progressivis/ipyprogressivis