Contacting the Team
Team Leader
- Jean-Daniel Fekete. Office: 1043; Email:; Phone: +33 1 74 85 42 97; Fax: +33 1 69 15 65 86
Permanent Researchers
- Tobias Isenberg. Office: 1044; Email:; Phone: +33 1 74 85 42 92
- Petra Isenberg. Office: 1030; Email:; Phone: +33 17 292 5916
- Frédéric Vernier. Office 1028; email: Phone: +33 651 738 850
- Florent Cabric. Office 1028; email: Phone: +33 1 69 15 64 02
Team Assistant
- Katia Evrat. Office: ; Email:; Phone: +33 1 69 15 76 55
Postal address (to get something delivered)
Bât 660, équipe Aviz
Université Paris-Saclay
91405 Orsay Cedex
Physical address (for mail or to find us on a map)
Bât 660 Claude Shannon
Rue René Thom
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
GPS address (to type in for arriving by GPS)
Rue Raimond Castaing
91190 Gif Sur Yvette
The GPS coordinates of our building are as follows:
Degrees Lat Long | 48.7124608° N, 2.1666219° E |
Degrees Minutes Seconds | 48°42'44.859" N, 2°9'59.838" E |
For more instructions on how to arrive with public transport or car scroll down.
Finding our building
We are located at the Plateau de Saclay, 25 km from Paris. The Aviz team is located in a building that goes by three names: Bâtiment 660, Bâtiment Claude Shannon, and Bâtiment Digiteo Moulon.
Our building is located right next to ENS Paris-Saclay and our sister building, which also has three names: Bâtiment 650, Bâtiment Ada Lovelace, and PCRI/LRI. PCRI stands for Pôle Commun de Recherche en Informatique and LRI stands for Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique. The sister building is easy to recognize from far -- see picture below.
Both buildings can be seen on Google Maps.
Getting inside our building
Our building has a restricted access policy, partly due to the fact that it's hosting CEA, a French research institution in nuclear power.
The entrance is to the West of the building. Once there, ring the bell, wait and the caretaker will buzz the door open (sometimes you may have to wait for 2 minutes as they may not be at their desk). Then walk towards the reception to the left, say you're visiting Aviz and give them your ID. They will give you a badge with which you will pass the revolving doors and will be free to walk around in the building as well as exit/re-enter the building. They will keep your ID until you return your badge at the end of the day.
If you are coming as part of a group visit, we may have already given your name to the caretaker, in which case you would just have to sign next to your name. If not, tell them whom you are visiting and have them call a member of our team.
Be warned that the caretaker may not speak English.
Finding Aviz inside the building

Once you passed the revolving doors, take the stairs right in front, go one floor up, then turn right (at which point you should see our coffee machine and sofas -- not on the picture) and immediately to the left. Jean-Daniel Fekete's office door will be the first one to the right and Tobias Isenberg's door is next to the set of couches and a water dispenser.
Coming by car
Please note that the maps/instructions of your GPS may not be up-to-date as we currently reside in a construction zone.
Parking: you can park at any of the spots on the parking lot at the location given above, you do not need a permit and you also do not need to pay. The parking entrance is next to the other building (PCRI); the access road to our parking lot runs behind both buildings.

Coming by public transportation
Going to Aviz should take you between 1h and 1h15 from Gare du Nord and between 45 min and 1h from Denfert-Rochereau. However, there are often problems with the RER B so add a large safety margin.
To make sure you are well-prepared, we suggest you:
- Print our RER B instructions, or save them on your phone
- Print this page or save it on your phone
- Save these Google Maps placemarks on your phone:
To get to our lab from Paris or the CDG airport, you need to take the RER B towards the South. Check the signs at the RER B platforms to make sure that the train stops at the station you should get off at. The station depends on which of the two bus options you choose (they will be explained below). Do not take the CDG airport or Mitry-Clay destinations, which are North. Also do not take the Robinson destination, which is on the wrong southern branch of the train.
Click here for detailed information on how to take the RER B, find the right ticket machines, and take the right train. You will need an extra ticket for the bus to our lab: you can buy it from the bus driver but he will also accept regular Paris metro tickets (t+).
There are two bus options. The first option usually involve less waiting. The second option is nicer if you don't like crowds, and the bus ride is also much shorter (5 min instead of 20 min). Both are about equally fast during rush hours, with the first option being slightly more reliable, as both buses 9 and RERs that stop at Le Guichet are less frequent.
Option #1: Massy-Palaiseau
This option requires you to get off at the Massy-Palaiseau RER B station. Both the RER B going to Saint-Rémy-Lès Chevreuses and the RER B going to Massy-Palaiseau stop at Massy-Palaiseau.
Then, get on the next bus labeled 91.06 or 91.10. Here is the exact location of the bus station: Massy-Palaiseau Bus station. You can ask the bus driver, "Arrêtez-vous à Moulon?" (Do you stop at Moulon?) as you get on.
Once on the right bus, get off at Moulon. Right in front of you, you will see our building:
Option #2: Le Guichet
This option requires you to get off at the Le Guichet RER B station. The RER B going to Saint-Rémy-Lès Chevreuses stops at Le Guichet.
Once at Le Guichet, you need to get to this bus stop. After you get off the train, go in the same direction as the train and take the tunnel to cross the rails, on the right. After you've passed the bar "La Terrasse", turn right again and follow the street down towards the bridge. Before the bridge there is a small pathway on the left leading down to another street. The bus stop is on the other side of that street:
Once there, get on the next Bus 9. You won't have to worry about the destination if you're waiting on the correct (East) side of the road. The displayed destination should be Gare de Jouy en Josas or CEPR.
Once on the bus, get off at Moulon. You will need to press the Stop button right after the bus goes past the Université Paris-Saclay station. At this point, you will see the 650 building (see photo on top of this page). The Moulon station is the same as the bus from Massy-Palaiseau, so you will arrive right next to our building.
If you feel like walking: At Le Guichet, start by crossing the rails by the underground pass. Then, take Rue de Versailles (perpendicular to the rails) in front of the train station for two blocks. Turn left in Rue de la Colline, which goes uphill. When you reach the end of that street (almost at the top), continue right in Chemin du Bois des Rames. Keep going on that direction into Rue Nicolas Appert. Turn left in Rue d'Arsonval and continue until joining Rue Noetzlin. The nearest bus station is "Moulon". Assume 25-30 minutes walk depending on your shape.
For schedules, travel times, traffic warnings, and alternative routes use the website The full name for the Moulon bus stop is "Moulon, Gif-sur-Yvette".
- Excusez-moi, ce train va bien à Massy-Palaiseau ? Excuse-me, is this train for Massy-Palaiseau?
- Bonjour, vous vous arrêtez bien à Moulon ? Hello, you stop at Moulon, right?
- Pourrez-vous me prévenir quand on arrive ? Can you please let me know when we get there?
- Un ticket, s'il-vous-plaît. One ticket, please
- Excusez-moi, je cherche le bâtiment Digitéo Moulon (le bâtiment six-cent soixante). Excuse me, I'm looking for the Digiteo Moulon building, building #660.
- Bonjour, je viens visiter l'équipe Aviz. Hi, I'm here to visit the Aviz team.
- Bonjour monsieur, ça fait trois jours que je marche dans les champs, je suis perdu et j'ai faim. Auriez-vous par hasard un peu de fromage et du vin ? Hello sir, I've been walking in the fields for three days, I'm lost and I'm starving. Do you have some cheese and wine by any chance?
Going back to Paris
If you made it to our lab, getting back to Paris is easy. Go to the bus station facing the one where you initially got off, and wait for the bus 91.06 or 91.10 (if you prefer to take the RER B at Massy-Palaiseau) or the bus 9 (if you prefer to take the RER B at Le Guichet). Most people in the lab take whatever bus comes first. Once at the RER B station, follow the signs to Paris (North direction: Aéroport Charles de Gaulle or Mitry-Clay). All RER B trains going North stop at all stations in Paris. The only way you can get it wrong is by going South.
If you are going to the Charles de Gaulle Airport, wait for a train that indicates that direction. Do not take the train to Mitry-Clay.
Orly Airport
In case you are coming from or going to the Orly Airport, the instructions are completely different. Please contact us.
Finding a hotel
In Paris
Some visitors have stayed at and liked the following hotels:
- 3 Collèges - close to the Luxembourg RER stop that will take you directly here
Close to the lab
The area around our lab is under heavy construction and a hotel that seems close might be practically hard to reach. We suggest you the following hotels close to out lab:
Studihotel | [ Website ] | [ Address ] |
Residhome | [ Website ] | [ Address ] |
Long-Term Visitors
If you are a longer-term visitor to Aviz and need more information on where to get help for housing etc. have a look at our visitors page.