How to change its IP address
The laser cutter needs a fixed IP address has to be set in the machine itself. It cannot deal with DHCP. Still, you need to make sure that everything works nicely together with the rest of the network - meaning, make sure to ask staff for a dedicated IP in the appropriate subnetwork so that the set IP doesn't get not assigned to another machine by the DHCP server.
Once you obtained a valid IP address for the laser cutter do as following to program it:
Turn on the laser and wait for it to finish booting
Press simultaneously GO and POINTEUR and the display changes to "FUNCTIONS MENU"
Press GO 3 times to get to the IP address field.
How this works:
- You can enter a number by referring to the small digits indicated on some of the buttons.
- You cannot control the control with the arrow buttons as they are used for entering numbers.
- You always stay within one triplet.
- For example, typing "123000" will result in "000" since you overwrite the triplet by typing more than 3 numbers.
- If you mistyped a number, just complete the triplet and type the current number in the next iteration.
- By pressing the GO button you can move to the next triplet. If the number in the current triplet is already correct, you can use the GO button to skip it to avoid having to type the 3 numbers again.
- Repeat until all 4 triplets are correct.
Next, repeat the same procedure to enter the subnet mask and the network gateway.
Confirm in the end by pressing GO again.