Workshop on the New Statistics
13-14 June 2013
PCRI Building

On 13-14 June 2013 we will be hosting Geoff Cumming, Emeritus Professor at La Trobe University in Melbourne, researcher in statistical cognition and renowned statistics reformer. On June 13 he will explain how estimation methods can improve scientific research, followed up the next day by a hands-on workshop on how to apply these methods to concrete research projects.
Listen to this short radio talk to see how by participating in this workshop you can change the world!
Talk - The New Statistics: Estimation for Better Research
- When: Thursday 13 June 2013, 15:00-16:00.
- Where: PCRI building (building 650), room 465
- Open to: Anyone
By Geoff Cumming.
Research aims to build cumulative quantitative science. For this we need research methods and, most notably, data analytic methods that encourage researchers to think in terms of quantitative theories, ask quantitative research questions, and draw quantitative conclusions from data. Null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), which overwhelmingly dominates data analysis in many disciplines, fails all these requirements—and has other deep flaws. Among a number of more promising approaches, estimation based on effect sizes and confidence intervals is most immediately available and promising. I refer to estimation--and its extension, meta-analysis--as The New Statistics. The techniques themselves are not new, but switching from NHST to these techniques would for many researchers be new, and highly beneficial. I will illustrate some quantitative advantages of estimation over NHST and describe practical ways to use the new statistics. I will also discuss the hot topic of replication, failure to replicate, and selective publication. I will use ESCI (Exploratory Software for Confidence Intervals), which runs under Excel, to illustrate concepts and calculate confidence intervals. ESCI is a free download from
That website also gives information about my book: Cumming, G. (2012). Understanding The New Statistics: Effect Sizes, Confidence Intervals, and Meta-Analysis. New York: Routledge.
Also see the SIGCHI Paris Webpage.
Workshop - The New Statistics: Into practice
- When: Friday 14 June 2013, 10:00-17:30 (lunch break 12:00-13:30)
- Where: PCRI building (building 650), room 435
- Open to: Anyone who registered in advance (free but the number of participants may be limited)
With Geoff Cumming.
This workshop will follow on from the talk ‘The New Statistics: Estimation for better research’. I will emphasize putting the new statistics into practice, for a range of effect size measures and research situations. Topics will include: six ways to think about and interpret confidence intervals (CIs), how to base conclusions on effect sizes (ESs) and their CIs, using estimation for research planning, and the basics of meta-analysis. There will be ample scope for participants to raise issues for discussion, perhaps including data or examples from their own research. I will discuss promising responses to the hot topic of replication, failure to replicate, and selective publication. I will use ESCI (Exploratory Software for Confidence Intervals), which runs under Excel, to illustrate concepts and calculate and display confidence intervals.
To participate in the workshop you need to register by Friday 7th June. Registration is free but we may limit the number of participants, so make sure you register at your earliest convenience. To register simply fill this form.
- Any student, post-doc or researcher in Human-Computer Interaction and related domains is free to attend.
- The workshop assumes you have at least some very basic knowledge of traditional statistical analysis methods for research.
- Ideally you should have attended Geoff Cumming's talk the day before. If you think you won't be able to attend the talk, you may want to order and start reading the book to familiarize yourself with the estimation approach.
- Ideally you should bring a simple example question of study design, or data analysis (e.g., for a study you just carried out or are about to conduct). You need to be able to describe it to the group in 2-3 mins max.
- Optional: install Excel and ESCI on your laptop.
- The registration is free of charge but we don't cover other expenses (travel, accommodation and lunch).