User Study

In this page we provide additional information for facilitating the replication and reanalysis of our user study:

Questionnaire answers

The collected data from the questionnaire is available for download here (csv file).


Crafted images

During the user study, we exported the SVG of Bertifier every 30 seconds. We built animated gifs from these image sequences that we present here, with the final image of the participant.

We do not show yet the participant creations that are confidential (about unpublished research).

HCI Post-Doc

Confidential material, will be released once published


We had a problem to save snapshots for this user. No animated crafting is available.

The final image (click to access the vector graphics version of the image)

School Teacher

The video of the crafting

The final image (click to access the vector graphics version of the image)

Infovis Researcher

The video of the crafting of table 1

The final image of table 1 (click to access the vector graphics version of the image)

The video of the crafting of table 2

The final image of table 1 (click to access the vector graphics version of the image)

Infovis PhD Student / Designer

The video of the crafting

The final image (click to access the vector graphics version of the image)

Infovis PhD Student

Worked on the same dataset as PhD Student / Designer above.

The video of the crafting

Both PhD students worked later on the same dataset to include a bertified table in their paper. The paper is to be published at VIS 2014, the figure will then be made public.


The video of the crafting

The final image (click to access the vector graphics version of the image)

Biology Undergrad

The video of the crafting

The final image (click to access the vector graphics version of the image)


All material on this page is CC-BY-SA. If you reuse or adapt it please reference our article and/or link to