This page contains several examples of images crafted using Bertifier.
It contains:
- Reproductions of images from Bertin and his collaborators
- Various datasets we played with
- Productions that external people crafted using Bertifier and sent us
Reproductions of images from Bertin and his collaborators
Click on the reproduced images to download the vector graphics file (pdf).
These are the very first examples from Bertin we found, from the article 1967 - F. Vergneault, R. Lamontagne, J. Bertin. They were made using a technique Bertin called ``fichier-image'', a variation over the reorderable matrix that only supported reordering of dimensions but made it possible to assign different visual encodings to different dimensions (something Bertifier also supports).
Because we did not manage to get the dataset that was used at this time, we parsed wikipedia to reconstruct the dataset. The result is therefore slightly different from the original. These three reproductions did not undergo modifications in an external vector graphic editor.
We also provide the dataset we extracted for download (csv).
Original 1:
Reproduction with Bertifier:
Original 2:
Reproduction with Bertifier:
Original 3:
Reproduction with Bertifier:
The towns dataset is without a doubt the most famous Bertin's example. And the simplest. We used a vector graphic editor to add borders for titles and cut the separators.
Here is the dataset (csv).
Here is the dataset (csv).
Original: Attach:original-hotel.png Δ Δ
Reproduction: Attach:reproduction-hotel.png Δ Δ
Various datasets we played with
Productions that external people crafted using Bertifier and sent to us
![]() | All material on this page is CC-BY-SA. If you reuse or adapt it please reference our article and/or link to www.aviz.fr/bertifier. |